Services For Individuals & Business Owners
Click on a service below for details.
Individual and Family
Health insurance usually provides either direct payment or reimbursement for expenses associated with illnesses and injuries. The cost and range of protection provided by your health insurance will depend on your insurance provider and the particular policy you purchase. If your employer does not offer a health insurance plan, you may wish to purchase health insurance on your own.
One of the most popular types of polices being sold today is the HSA (Health Savings Account). This plan has a high deductible that also allows the insured to establish a tax-deductible Health Savings Account. The deductible (for either a single or family) may be saved with pre-tax money, in a qualified HSA account. Any time there is a medical bill, the insured may take the money from the HSA account (which is in a bank of your choice) to pay that bill with no tax consequences. The money accumulated in this account can roll from year to year without having to be used. In addition, money may continue to be contributed each year the insured maintains a high deductible policy. This is not a use it or loose it program like many FSA's (flexible spending accounts).
To request a health insurance quote for you or your family, please fill out our online form. Or, you may try either of these links to a few of our carriers and see possible plans and rates:

Click below for a health insurance quote.

Employee Benefits

We can provide employers that have thousands of employees with the same excellent coverage. In addition, if your company(s), or the one(s) you represent, only needs to find a claims administrator or a stop-loss carrier, we facilitate those services.
Although size does matter, we at Pine Street Insurance have guaranteed issue coverage for your group. However, depending on the size of the group will depend on the amounts of coverage that are guaranteed to be issued.
Do not let the size of your company or your clients deter you in finding the best coverage available. We promise that if we do not represent the company that will provide the protection, we will refer you to one that will. After all, that is what Integrity, Service, and Ingenuity represent. Please review some of the Carriers we represent and contact us if we can help.
Extended Care Planning

Most seniors are concerned about financial security during retirement. Therefore, you owe it to yourself, a parent, spouse, significant other and/or those whom you love, to protect yourself from what could be the greatest threat to your financial security -- the cost of long-term care.
We know that no one wants to go into a "home". That is why we can provide policies that insure the cost of the nursing home only, home care only or, the most frequently purchased plans that protect you at home and/or in a facility.
Andrea Block, whom you can see in the "About Us" section, successfully completed her CSA designation. We are very proud of this accomplishment. Her designation better allows us to assist individuals, from all occupations and varying lifestyles, with support for this vital product. Please remember, LTC is not just for seniors (it is sold from ages 18 and over)! Businesses can benefit from this coverage from owners and managers to the rank and file. It can be used as an incentive benefit or as an employee benefit (contributory or not) with the availability of modified guaranteed issue and true guaranteed issue.
You may contact us for more information and quotes from some of the oldest, strongest, and most quoted companies in the businesses.
International Medical
Patriot Travel Medical Insurance®
Individual & family (5 days up to 2 years coverage)
Patriot Travel plans address the insurance needs of U.S. citizens and foreign nationals who need temporary medical insurance while traveling for business or pleasure anywhere outside of their home country.
There are two Patriot Travel plans that provide up to $2,000,000 of medical coverage. Patriot International® provides coverage for U.S. citizens traveling outside the U.S. and Patriot America® provides coverage for non-U.S. citizens traveling outside their home country.
In addition to medical benefits, the plans include coverage for medical evacuation, repatriation, and choice of deductibles and plan maximums. Coverage can be obtained from a minimum of five days up to two years.
Global Medical Insurance®
Individual & family (1 year or longer)
Global Medical Insurance is a long-term, annually renewable, U.S.-style major medical insurance plan designed for U.S citizens living abroad or foreign nationals throughout the world. It provides two coverage areas: Worldwide and Worldwide excluding the U.S. and Canada.
There are three plan options available: Silver - which provides $5,000,000 of scheduled coverage for the budget conscious consumer; Gold – which provides $5,000,000 of comprehensive coverage and helps reduce out-of-pocket expenses; and Platinum - for the global consumer who desires the superior benefits package of $8,000,000 of coverage and includes medical, dental, vision and exclusive access to our Global Concierge and Assistance ServicesSM.
Patriot Platinum Travel Medical InsuranceSM
Enhanced benefits and services plan
Patriot PlatinumSM provides first-class protection for the discerning international traveler who wants to obtain the maximum coverage available in a short-term travel medical product on the market today.
Patriot Platinum builds upon the Patriot Travel plan by providing up to $8,000,000 of coverage with enhanced benefits and services and our Global Concierge & Assistance ServicesSM.
There are two plans available: Patriot Platinum InternationalSM provides coverage for U.S. citizens traveling outside the U.S. and Patriot Platinum AmericaSM provides coverage for non-U.S. citizens traveling outside their home country. Coverage can be obtained from a minimum of five days up to three years.
Patriot Green Travel Medical InsuranceSM
Environmentally conscious plan
Patriot Green Travel Medical InsuranceSM is designed for the environmentally conscious traveler and provides up to $2,000,000 of medical coverage and services. This plan provides the same comprehensive benefits as the Patriot Travel plan, but also includes eco-friendly benefits including providing for the purchase of carbon offsets, pays an additional $5,000 AD&D benefit to an environmentally conscious organization, and it is paperless.
Patriot Green InternationalSM provides coverage for U.S. citizens traveling outside the U.S. and Patriot Green AmericaSM provides coverage for non-U.S. citizens traveling outside their home country. Coverage can be obtained from a minimum of five days up to two years.
Patriot Executive® Travel Medical Insurance
Business traveler (annual coverage)
Patriot Executive is designed for the executive that takes multiple trips throughout the year outside his or her home country. The plan provides coverage up to 30 days in length for each trip. It offers the ease and convenience of purchasing a single annual plan at an affordable premium.
Patriot Executive International provides coverage for U.S. executives traveling outside the U.S. and Patriot Executive America provides coverage for non-U.S. executives traveling outside their home country.
Employer sponsored group insurance
GEO Group is one of the most comprehensive group hospital, surgical, medical and life insurance programs in the world. This program is designed for employers with employees who are either U.S. or Canadian citizens who reside abroad, or foreign nationals around the world. GEO Group assists employers to carve out their international employees to provide U.S.-style benefits and worldwide coverage. This program includes medical, dental, life and indemnity benefits for employees and their families.
Patriot Group Travel Medical Insurance®
5 or more individuals (5 days up to 2 years)
Patriot Group Travel Medical Insurance provides coverage for groups of five or more U.S. citizens and/or foreign nationals who need temporary medical insurance while traveling for business or pleasure anywhere outside their home country. It offers a 10% discount from Patriot Travel Medical Insurance and has one easy-to-use enrollment form.
There are two Patriot Group Travel plans plans that provide up to $2,000,000 of medical coverage with a choice of deductibles and policy maximums. Patriot International Group provides coverage for U.S. citizens traveling outside the U.S. and Patriot America Group provides coverage for non-U.S. citizens traveling outside their home country. In addition to medical benefits, the plans include coverage for medical evacuation and repatriation.
Coverage can be obtained from a minimum of five days up to a maximum of two years.
Patriot Exchange ProgramSM
Cultural Exchange Student insurance plans
Patriot Exchange is designed for students studying abroad or participants of cultural exchange programs. Two plan options are available. The Basic Short-Term Travel Plan is an economical plan while the Standard Short-Term Travel Plan is designed to meet the U.S. J1 visa travel insurance requirements.
Its flexible plan design also provides three areas of coverage: U.S. citizens worldwide except in the U.S., Non-U.S. citizens worldwide except in their home country and Europe to Europe.
Plans are available in monthly increments and if a minimum of three months is purchased, coverage may be renewed (without break in coverage) for a total of four years.
Patriot Group Exchange ProgramSM
Group cultural exchange student insurance plans
Patriot Group Exchange offers the same great benefits, options and renewability as the Patriot Exchange Program, and in addition to the Basic and Standard Short-Term plans, a Long-Term plan is available.
The plan is available to groups of five or more students or participants of cultural exchange programs, offers a 10% discount from Patriot Exchange Program and has one easy-to-use enrollment form.
Student Health AdvantageSM
Long-term, worldwide medical insurance for groups of 2 or more international students
Student Health Advantage is designed for individuals or a group of students or scholars participating in a sponsored study abroad program, and desire an annually renewable comprehensive medical plan. This plan meets student visa requirements, includes benefits for maternity after 10 months, mental health, organized sports and international emergency care. It also provides coverage for pre-existing conditions after 12 months of coverage.
Sponsored groups of 2 or more
Patriot T.R.I.P.®
Travel Protection for trips up to 30 days
Patriot T.R.I.P. helps protect travelers who are unable to travel or are interrupted during their covered trip due to circumstances such as a sudden and unexpected illness or injury, death in the family, jury duty, job layoff, terrorism or the bankruptcy of the tour operator, cruise line or airline. Benefits also include coverage in the event of travel and baggage delay, lost baggage, emergency medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation and much more.
Patriot T.R.I.P.® Elite
First Class Travel Protection
To provide superior protection for a picture perfect vacation, there is Patriot T.R.I.P. Elite, a premier travel insurance program. Patriot T.R.I.P. Elite offers a high level of benefits to travelers who need more coverage than provided by the Patriot T.R.I.P. program. The program has increased benefit amounts for emergency medical, emergency medical evacuation, travel delay, baggage, trip interruption and has a benefit for violent attacks.
Patriot T.R.I.P.® Student
Student Travel Insurance Program
Patriot T.R.I.P. Student is a "budget conscious" travel insurance program designed to provide important benefits to students for many of those unforeseen circumstances that may force the cancellation or interruption of a covered trip. This program also includes coverage for trip cancellation or interruption travel and baggage delay, lost or stolen baggage, emergency medical expenses and emergency medical evacuation.
Sky RescueSM
Emergency Medical Evacuation
Sky Rescue is designed for those travelers who need to fill the gaps in the international medical insurance. It provides coverage for such benefits as emergency medical evacuation, repatriation, reunion and emergency assistance services that are not covered under most domestic or national plans.
Coverage is available for individuals under the age of 65 traveling outside their home country. It can be purchased in three, six or 12 months increments and can be rewritten for succeeding or subsequent periods.
Patriot Extreme® Travel Medical Insurance
Extreme athletics and adventure insurance
Patriot Extreme is designed for the adventurous international traveler who intends to participate in the thrill of extreme sports and realizes that their current medical plan does not cover certain hazardous sports and activities.
From skydiving to whitewater rafting, Patriot Extreme provides up to $50,000 of coverage and is available to those under the age of 50.
International Marine Medical InsuranceSM
Worldwide group coverage for professional marine crew
International medical insurance for marine crew requires provisions not met by many companies. International Marine Medical Insurance (IMMI) was designed specifically to provide comprehensive medical insurance to marine crew by offering continuous coverage worldwide. IMMI provides $1,000,000 of coverage per certificate period with a full range of benefits. Group members will be covered worldwide, including their country of citizenship, 24 hours a day.
Global Crew Medical Insurance®
Worldwide coverage for professional marine captains and crew members
Global Crew Medical Insurance(GCMI) is a comprehensive and portable international medical insurance plan designed specifically for professional marine crew. GCMI can help eliminate the obstacles of time, currency, and language when you are seeking medical treatment and need assistance and administration of your global health care benefits. The plan provides $5,000,000 of lifetime coverage with a full range of benefits and offers two options: worldwide coverage and worldwide coverage excluding the U.S. and Canada. Both options provide coverage 24 hours a day, and you have the freedom to choose any doctor or hospital for treatment.
The information above is only a consolidated description of the current international insurance products and trip cancellation plans available through this website. Please refer to the Certificate Wording for the specific terms and conditions of each plan concerning eligible benefits, limitations, eligibility and exclusions. Certificate Wording is available upon request. Patriot Travel Medical Insurance, Patriot Group Travel Medical Insurance, Patriot Extreme, Patriot Executive, Sky Rescue, Global Medical Insurance, Patriot Green, Patriot Platinum, GEO Group, Patriot Exchange Program, Patriot Group Exchange Program and Student Health Advantage are administered by International Medical Group, Inc. and underwritten by Sirius International Insurance Corporation. Patriot T.R.I.P. and Patriot T.R.I.P. Student and Patriot T.R.I.P. Elite are private-label names for trip cancellation insurance and other travel related benefits and services made available by membership in the National Small Business Travel & Health Association. The program manager is iTravelInsured®, a wholly owned subsidiary of IMG. Patriot T.R.I.P. and Patriot Student T.R.I.P plans are administered by iTravelInsured and underwritten and offered where available by Delos Insurance. Patriot T.R.I.P. Elite is administered by iTravelinsured and underwritten and offered where available by Delos Insurance Company or Sirius International Insurance Corporation. IMG, International Medical Group, the IMG block design logo, Patriot T.R.I.P, Patriot T.R.I.P Elite, Patriot T.R.I.P. Student, Patriot Travel Medical Insurance, Patriot Green, Patriot Platinum, Patriot Extreme, Global Medical Insurance, Patriot Executive, GEO Group, Patriot Exchange Program, Patriot Group Exchange Program, Sky Rescue, Patriot Group Travel Medical Insurance, International Marine Medical Insurance, Global Crew Medical Insurance and Student Health Advantage are the trademarks, service marks and/or registered marks of International Medical Group, Inc. © Copyright 2009 International Medical Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Legal Sheild & Identity Theft
Short Term Medical
Are you or your client between jobs? Has there been a recent layoff? Did you just graduate from college or high school and no longer eligible for your parents health plan? Are you looking for a low-cost alternative to the traditional health insurance plan? Then that is why you should consider short-term medical insurance.
We can provide protection from 30-days to 3-years. If you are certain you will obtain insurance within 6 months, we have a single pay option. If you think you might only need the coverage for 3 months, but want the option of carrying it for up to 6 months or longer, we have the monthly pay option.
No matter which direction you select, there are only a handful of questions to answer and the coverage is yours. If you are an agent, please contact us. If you are an individual, please follow one of the links below to get more information, rates, or to apply online.
Please keep one thing in mind; pre-existing conditions are never covered on short-term medical plans. This is because there is no in-depth medical underwriting. So, if you have a serious medical condition, or are worried about a particular problem being covered, make certain you contact us before making a decision.
Please click on the symbol below if you are looking for outpatient prescriptions to be covered (if necessary) or if you are only looking for a maximum of 6-12 months of protection. Please note that the Assurant short-term medical plan is not renewable but can be rewritten after your coverage expires.
Becoming disabled through an injury or sickness can mean a significant loss of income. Disability insurance is a form of health insurance that provides a person who becomes disabled with income to cover living expenses that continue in spite of the disability.
It is not unusual for a long-term disability to bring ruin to even the best of families. We represent a number of excellent, high quality companies that will cover you if you are a police or fireman, a roofer or contractor, a physician or educator, a lawyer or civil servant. We can even provide coverage for the professional athlete or the freelance artist. As long as there is an income and occupation to protect, we can obtain the coverage.
Do you suffer from a health condition? Have you or a client been rejected for disability insurance? We can help! We represent a company that specializes in what are considered sub-standard risks. Among these are mental and nervous disorders (as long as there has not been a disability, hospitalization, or claim in recent history), some cancers and other uninsurable health conditions. If you or your client has recently been declined, please contact us and we will be happy to discuss the case.
All medical and personal information that is shared or provided to us is kept in the strictest of confidences. Even when we do a verbal preliminary check with an insurer, pertinent information (like name, social security number, address, etc.) are left out of the conversation. Only when we do a preliminary or formal application does the insurer receive all of the information.
We look forward to helping you with this most vital of protection. If you have investments and do not have disability, your broker has not helped you. How long will your investment money last if you have no other income? What was the purpose of the investment ... college funding, retirement, or your first home? Wouldn't you want that money there no matter what happened to you? Please, contact us and let us guide you or your client through the maze of disability insurance.
One resource is the Council for Disability Awareness. There, you may also visit real life stories and perhaps understand that no one is ever prepared emotionally for what can happen to them, but that does not mean that you cannot prepare financially.
Andrea Block, the president of Insurance Specialties, Inc. specializes in this form of insurance. He has taught classes and has his own continuing education course specifically related to disability insurance. We look forward to being of service!
Estate Planning
Estate planning is not just for the wealthy segment. If you have the desire to leave any form of legacy or for your family to have the ability to stay "in their own world", it requires planning. You need to consider your current and future goals. You need to review your current policy and determine if it is doing everything you expect it to now and into the future. Your plan needs to be reviewed and updated periodically to make certain that if circumstances have changed that your plan is still viable.
Estate planning will help your family be whole and if your estate is large, determine who gets what and when. This is a very extensive topic but according to Cornell University Law School, it can be summarized to mean "estate planning is the process by which an individual or family arranges the transfer of assets in anticipation of death. An estate plan aims to preserve the maximum amount of wealth possible for the intended beneficiaries and flexibility for the individual prior to death. A major concern for drafters of estate plans is federal and state tax law.
An estate is the total property, real and personal, owned by an individual prior to distribution through a trust or will. Real property is real estate and personal property includes everything else, for example cars, household items, and bank accounts. Estate planning distributes the real and personal property to an individual's heirs.
Wills and trusts are common ways in which individuals dispose of their wealth. Trusts, unlike wills, have the benefit of avoiding probate, a lengthy and costly legal process that oversees the transfer of assets. Sometimes, though, it will be useful to make inter vivos gifts (gifts made while the donor is alive) in order to minimize taxes. The Federal Gift Tax exempts certain levels of lifetime gifts."
There is more to learn and it does take time to plan, but once complete, will result in peace of mind for everyone. Contact us for more informaiton.
Financial Strength

Critical Illness
Critical Illness Insurance
Critical illness insurance is insurance that pays a lump-sum benefit upon diagnosis of a critical illness or condition. A critical illness policy's payout helps you avoid the financial strain a major illness can create so you can focus on your recovery. It gives you the freedom to:- Get the treatment you want
- Spend time with your family and friends
- Keep your home and other assets